Vitalant, our local blood provider, shares a message that blood donation is an essential public health action, even during a pandemic! Thousands of Vitalant blood drives have been canceled due to COVID-19. With schools and businesses no longer hosting blood drives, we Rotarians can do our part by scheduling an appointment to donate soon.
The need for blood donations continues for people injured in serious motor vehicle accidents, diagnosed with cancer or living with blood disorders. Blood is needed for moms with serious post-childbirth complications and for premature babies whose blood systems need a bit of help to get started.
Vitalant follows rigorous safety precautions in the era of COVID-19 including mask requirements for donors and staff, temperature checks upon arrival, social distancing and frequent sanitizing. Of course, you must be healthy to donate blood and appointments are strongly encouraged! Visit or call 877-25-VITAL (877-257-4825).