Knowledge - Membership
Before you can develop a Strategy you need knowledge about the community you are drawing members from, their passions and motives to be part of an organization like your club. Here are some resources that might help you.
Clubrunner Website - if you use your website effectively. you can collect gender, age, and time in club information from Clubrunner.
MyRotary - again if you enter data into the MyRotary section on the Rotary International website you can get the above information plus retention rates and project information. Goto and click on MyRotary. You will need to establish an username (email address) and password.
Census Information - if you would like census data (age, income, racial data) by zip code or census area go to You will need for MyRotary login information
Business Data - For Sacramento County Library members, you can go to Sacramento on-line research library and us ReferenceUSA
Historic Data - To undesrstand some of your past membership trends, you should review the Trending Report which shows club's starting numbers since 2005-06 year and the Termination Report which show how long members were in the club before the left and why.